Drug Trafficking Defense Lawyer in Colorado Springs

Drug trafficking charges can have a significant impact on every aspect of your life. A conviction can result in lengthy imprisonment, substantial fines, housing problems, and even challenges in gaining employment. When the situation is this daunting, having our skilled Colorado Springs drug trafficking defense attorneys in your corner can make all the difference.

At Peakstone Law Group, our criminal defense lawyers are battle-tested in our ability to handle complex criminal cases for our clients. We employ effective drug crime defense strategies and negotiate hard to have our clients’ charges reduced or dismissed whenever possible – and we aren’t afraid to fight it out in the courtroom, either.

Contact our team for a free consultation so we can discuss your case in detail and start protecting your rights. The case review is completely confidential.

Reasons to Choose Our Colorado Springs Drug Trafficking Defense Lawyers

If you’re suspected of drug trafficking or related offenses in Colorado Springs, you need our knowledgeable and experienced drug trafficking defense lawyers to shield you from aggressive police investigators and prosecutors. At Peakstone Law Group, our team offers around-the-clock availability, direct communication, and customized legal strategies for a strong defense. We diligently advocate for our clients while fighting for the best possible outcome in drug crime cases.

Our team boasts a strong history of success and client satisfaction. We take pride in our numerous accolades and awards, including:

  • Inclusion in the Top 10 criminal defense attorney ranking by Attorneys and Practice Magazine
  • Recognition as one of the Top 10 criminal defense attorneys by Best of the Best Attorneys
  • A National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys Top 10 Ranking
  • Acknowledgment as one of the Top 10 best attorneys for client satisfaction by the American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys
  • Listing in The National Top 100 Trial Lawyers

These prestigious accolades underscore the high standards we set for our law firm and the major results we deliver for our clients. As a four-time member of the American Society of Legal Advocates (ASLA), our firm has what it takes to present the most effective drug crime defense strategies for your case.

What Are the Federal and State Drug Trafficking Laws?

Federal drug trafficking charges are defined in Title 21 of the U.S. Code under Section 841. The laws define drug trafficking as the manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of a listed chemical, or the possession of a listed chemical with the intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense it.

In addition to federal laws for drug trafficking, individuals may face additional charges in Colorado. Here are some crucial state laws you should know:

  • Colorado drug laws prohibit the distribution, manufacturing, dispensing, or sale of controlled substances.
  • Possession with intent to manufacture, dispense, sell, or distribute controlled substances is also illegal.
  • The state categorizes drug offenses into different levels of felonies based on factors such as the quantity and type of controlled substances involved.
  • Repeat offenses within a certain period can lead to escalated penalties under Colorado statutes.

Potential Penalties for Drug Trafficking

Trafficking in drugs can violate both state laws and federal laws, which are separate legal jurisdictions with their own regulations and enforcement agencies. The federal government typically prosecutes the transportation of drugs across state lines, while states focus on manufacture, possession, and distribution within their borders. If a criminal act involves violations of both state and federal drug trafficking laws, the individual may be prosecuted by both authorities.

Those sentenced for drug traffic under federal law face more significant fines and lengthy prison sentences. These can include:

  • Federal drug trafficking penalties can include fines of up to $1 million for individuals and up to $5 million for non-individuals.
  • For a Schedule V controlled substance, the least serious charge, a first offense can result in a prison sentence of not more than one and a fine of not more than $100,000 for individuals.
  • Federal drug trafficking laws also impose harsher penalties for offenses committed within 1,000 feet of certain locations like universities.

Similarly, the sentences defendants can face in Colorado are determined by the type of drugs, the amount in possession, and various other factors. Sentences can vary greatly, with the most severe cases involving the trafficking of significant amounts of a Schedule I or Schedule II controlled substance, resulting in up to $1 million in fines and up to 32 years of imprisonment.

Potential Defense Strategies for People Facing Drug Trafficking Charges

Seeking legal representation for drug offenses early on will give you the best chances of having your charges dismissed or reduced. Our attorneys can investigate to determine the best defensive strategy while the evidence is still fresh. Some potential defense strategies for individuals in drug trafficking cases in Colorado Springs include:

  • Lack of evidence – This strategy involves challenging the prosecution’s evidence and demonstrating inconsistencies or insufficiencies in the case against the accused.
  • Unlawful search and seizure – This strategy involves demonstrating that law enforcement conducted an illegal search and seizure and violated the individual’s Fourth Amendment rights.
  • Entrapment – This involves arguing that the individual was coerced or induced by law enforcement to commit the drug crimes may result in a dismissal of charges.
  • Mistaken identity – This strategy involves showing that the accused was not involved in the alleged drug trafficking activities and that they were mistaken for someone else.
  • Violation of Miranda rights – A violation of certain constitutional rights during the arrest or interrogation process could make any evidence that police obtained inadmissible in court.
  • Proving lack of intent – This involves showing that the accused did not have the intent to traffic drugs or was unaware of the illegal nature of the activities.

The specific circumstances surrounding the arrest will be vital in determining which defensive strategy works best.

How Our Colorado Springs Drug Crime Defense Attorneys Can Help You

The drug trafficking defense lawyers with Peakstone Law Group can defend your rights by meticulously investigating the circumstances of your drug crime charges in Colorado Springs. We will put our extensive knowledge of Colorado narcotics trafficking laws to work and determine whether law enforcement violated any of your rights. Additionally, our team will:

  • Determine the most appropriate defense strategy for your case
  • Protect you from incriminating yourself during interactions with law enforcement
  • Engage in plea negotiations if it is the best option
  • Provide diligent representation for you inside the courtroom
  • Cross-examine witnesses and provide clear and convincing evidence

Additionally, we will educate you on your rights and explain the potential outcomes of your case.

Contact a Colorado Springs Drug Trafficking Attorney Now

If you are facing drug charges in the Colorado Springs legal system, there’s no time to waste in mounting a solid defense. Contact the team at Peakstone Law Group for a free consultation. Our lawyers are available to get started defending your rights immediately.