Recent Articles

child abuse

If you have been accused of child abuse or neglect, you could be facing heart-breaking repercussions. Besides the stigma associated with a child abuse or neglect charge; child abuse charges can result in broad repercussions that can include probation, fines, various required classes and evaluations, and even jail. Moreover, when the Department of … Continue reading

elderly couple writing will

Sadly, someone close to you has died. Perhaps they had a formal attorney-drafted will everyone was aware of. Perhaps they didn’t. Regardless, in going through the loved one’s things you find a document where the decedent appears to say what he wanted done with all, or part, of his estate. But it doesn’t … Continue reading

driving on prescribed medications

But My Doctor Told Me to Take It!!! Recently my practice, Peakstone Law Group, LLC has seen an increase in calls from potential clients charged with Driving Under the Influence of prescribed medications. Apparently several local police agencies, including the Colorado Springs Police Department, the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, the Colorado State … Continue reading

judge with gavel

Congratulations! Your case was dismissed! Maybe the prosecutor dismissed your case because you took some classes they wanted. Maybe the prosecutor didn’t have sufficient evidence to charge you, or if you were charged, to proceed with those charges. Maybe you went to trial and were acquitted. Whatever the reason—you’re done! Right? Well, not … Continue reading