It was just an argument. Maybe it got a little loud, but you never wanted to get the police involved. Or, maybe you called the police, but just with the hope of having them mediate the argument. You didn’t want them to take your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, to jail. But … Continue reading

Congratulations! Your case was dismissed! Maybe the prosecutor dismissed your case because you took some classes they wanted. Maybe the prosecutor didn’t have sufficient evidence to charge you, or if you were charged, to proceed with those charges. Maybe you went to trial and were acquitted. Whatever the reason—you’re done! Right? Well, not … Continue reading

Chances are that if you are attracted to this blog title, it may be too late for it to make a difference to you. Deciding whether to do a blood alcohol test, a breath alcohol test, or to refuse a test altogether is usually only considered by people AFTER they have already made … Continue reading