Colorado Springs White-Collar Crime Defense Lawyers

If you face white-collar criminal charges, you need the support of an aggressive white-collar criminal defense attorney who can develop a robust strategy to fight the charges against you.

At Peakstone Law Group, formerly known as Patterson Weaver, we offer our clients direct communication and around-the-clock availability because we understand how difficult this time is for people facing white-collar criminal charges. Whether you need a fraud defense lawyer, an embezzlement lawyer, or an attorney to handle any other alleged financial crime, turn to Peakstone Law Group for the skilled representation you deserve.

Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your legal rights and options. The case review is entirely confidential and comes without further obligations.

What Is a White-Collar Crime?

White-collar crime refers to various nonviolent fraudulent acts generally committed by business and government professionals. This type of corporate crime includes such violations as tax evasion and money laundering, and is often carried out through fraud for the accused’s financial gain. Sometimes, white-collar crimes are described as financial crimes, and involve deceit, concealment, or some other violation of trust.

Common Types of White-Collar Crimes in Colorado Springs

White-collar crimes can be extremely complex, highlighting the need for a knowledgeable and skilled attorney to craft your defense. Some common examples of white-collar crimes in Colorado Springs include:

  • Fraud – Fraud is the use of deceit or concealment to gain a personal or business advantage. Someone may use fraud either to gain money or to avoid losing it. Different types of fraud include securities fraud, bank fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, healthcare fraud, and mortgage fraud.
  • Embezzlement – Embezzlement is another form of white-collar crime that differs from fraud because the embezzler legally obtains the property but uses fraudulent means to assume the rights to it. Embezzlement occurs when someone in a position of trust, such as an employee, steals funds or property for their own personal gain at the expense of others.
  • Bribery – Bribery involves giving, receiving, or soliciting something to influence the actions of someone in a position of public or legal authority to persuade that person to act in a way that is contrary to their duty or integrity. Instead, a bribe serves the interests of the person trying to bribe the authority figure.
  • Blackmail – Blackmail is a white-collar crime in which the accused uses threats or coercion to gain property or force someone else to act. It’s similar to extortion, which usually involves a threat of force or violence. Someone can be found guilty of blackmail even if the information that is threatened is false. For example, if someone threatens someone else to act or they will release compromising photos of them, they can be guilty of blackmail even if they do not possess the photos.
  • Counterfeiting – The white-collar crime of counterfeiting involves creating unauthorized replicas of legitimate products, documents, or currency with deceptive intent, usually to gain a financial advantage.
  • Public corruption – This type of white-collar crime involves a breach of public trust or an abuse of someone’s political position. A government official, whether they hold a federal, state, or local position, can be charged with public or political corruption.

What Are the Potential Penalties for White-Collar Crimes?

The potential penalties associated with a conviction on white-collar criminal charges can be significant. They may include prison time, fines, house arrest, and forfeiture of property. You may be required to pay restitution to individuals or businesses harmed by the crime. Depending on the scale of the white-collar crime – for example, if the crime involved substantial sums of money or creating a danger to the public – you may face life in prison.

Additionally, if you are charged with a white-collar crime that has interstate repercussions or violates federal law, your case will likely be tried in federal court. The penalties for white-collar crime under federal law are sometimes more severe than for state crimes.

Our criminal defense lawyers are ready to review your case and help you understand the full scope of the charges against you and the potential penalties you may face if convicted.

Potential Legal Defenses Against White-Collar Crimes

Whether you are facing cybercrime charges or need insider trading defense, for example, you can count on an attorney from Peakstone Law Group to vigorously defend you. The defense strategy we may assert depends on the unique circumstances of your case. The following are some potential legal defenses against white-collar offenses we may use, depending on the nature of the charges and the specifics of your case:

  • Fourth Amendment violation – A common defense to a white-collar crime is claiming a Fourth Amendment violation. The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable government searches and seizures. Specifically, if evidence of your alleged crime was illegally obtained and your constitutional rights were violated, the evidence cannot be used in a criminal proceeding.
  • Lack of intent – In most white-collar crime cases, the prosecutor must show your intent to commit a crime to further your own financial gain or that of an accomplice or employer. You may be able to overcome the charge and avoid a conviction if the evidence shows you did not intend to commit the crime.
  • Coercion and duress – This defense can be used when you allegedly broke the law due to fear. For example, if you were physically forced to sign a document (or threatened with harm to you or someone else), you could claim you only did so because of the threat. For this defense to be valid, the evidence must show you did not have a reasonable opportunity to avoid the threatened behavior.

How Our White-Collar Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help You

If you are facing white-collar crime charges in Colorado Springs, you need a skilled legal advocate with the experience to handle your case. The criminal defense attorneys at Peakstone Law Group are well-equipped to represent individuals in complex white-collar crime cases.  We know how stressful this period in your life is, and we are here to support you through the entire process.

Let us advocate for you and fight for your rights and freedom. Contact us today to get started with a free initial consultation with our white-collar crime attorneys.